How to add Elementor to a demo

Hi all,

I’d like to build a demo for a hotel site. My problem is how to get Elementor working.
I can build 2 ways: with Elementor, and with OCDI.
If I build with the Elementor Export - Import kit, all the setting are perfect. The header, the footer, and the colors. But it lacks demo data. The kit does not include everything.

If I use an xml export, and create a demo with OCDI, all the data is perfect. The pages are correct. But I can’t get the Elementor Default Kit, Header and Footer active. It’s there, in the demo. But I have to active all of that manually.

How can I fix this?

Is it for an item that you’re developing or it’s been already developed by an author then you’re trying to set-up the demo?

I’m trying to set up my first demo.

You need to assign a proper template kit after the demo import:

function sedona_shop_ocdi_after_import( $selected_import ) {
	update_option( 'elementor_active_kit', 226 );
add_action( 'pt-ocdi/after_import', 'sedona_shop_ocdi_after_import' );
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Thanks, that really helped. I’ve got my colors back!
How do I set the Header and Footer?

Not sure about that as we’re using our own custom headers and footers.

I was afraid of that. But many thanks, because this is something that took me months. Elementor didn’t answer at all.