How many licenses buy to include a plugin on a theme?

I have doubts about the use of licenses (reg & ext) in Codecanyon.
Recently, a developer, asked if I could include my plugin in his theme.
I understand that the developer must purchase an extended license (and have my written permission) to include the plugin on their themes.
But … the question is: only one license? Should buy multiple licenses? How many? Should we reach agreement on the number of licenses to should buy?
Because if he pays only one license but sells the theme 100 times …
It also wants to sell his theme in other marketplaces outside ThemeForest.
Can anyone clarify this?


The developer needs to purchase ONE extended license of plugin for each theme they sell on ThemeForest.

Just reject his offer. Better for everyone.

thanks for response, but… if the developer purchase only one license of the plugin, but sells 100 times the same theme … This is a disadvantage for me, right?

I answer myself: yes, it is a disadvantage, if it works this way.
Sorry for my lack of understanding… I reformulate the question:
So…the developer can buy only one license for a same theme that can sell 100 times?

Are you sure about that? Surely buying an extended license at $50 to $100, every time you sell a theme for $50, which makes you $25… means that nobody would ever consider doing so?

I think he mean for each theme the sell here, not for each sale they make with a theme :wink:

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Yes, the developer has to buy just one extended license of plugin which can be included only in one theme. It has nothing to do with sales of that theme.

Also, I think the developer don’t need your permission to use the plugin after buying the extended license. I’m not sure on it though.
You can check the description page of popular plugins on Codecanyon (Ex: Revolu**** Slider) and they have written the same thing which I posted earlier.

ah, Yes, that is! Example: (Revolu**** Slider or Blog for P**)
Say exactly that: "1 license extended x 1 theme"
I suppose if they do so, there is no other way (for now).

Thank you very much to everyone for your time and your answers.

The most important part is that you have to give him the permission and you can do so under your own rules. Just ask him to buy extended license + pay some additional sum you think is fair via for example PayPal.

Ah right, sorry! I read it wrong.

Ah, that is. Of course! This could be a good way.
Thank you.