How do I find my Envato Item ID?

Hello there, Im going nuts.
Trying to update my theme, Ohio.
For this I need to verify the Envato Marked plugin.
But when I try to register the plugin with a token i get an error message, “The Token or Item ID is incorrect.”
Where do I find this Envato Item ID?
PLease… Im going nuts here…
But Thank you :wink:


your have to provide the right token to use Envato Marked plugin.
You can generate Envato API personal token here . Please make sure you set required Token permissions. It may prompt you to sign into your Envato account

Before you create a new token the following 3 permissions should be selected from the list of permission available on the Token page.

  1. View and search Envato sites (checked by default)
  2. Download the user’s purchased items
  3. List purchases the user has made

Hope this will help you.
