How can a customer access our PRO information in Elements?

Hi everybody!

I’ve been trying to get this question answered through the forums but had no luck so far. @BenLeong , @KingDog , could you tell us how an eventual customer that’s planning to use an Element’s track in a broadcast content (Air TV, Film, Radio, etc.) can check the author’s PRO information, that being:

  • Authors IPI
  • If applies, Original Track Name - Alternative Track Name
  • PRO Organization and Country
  • Track’s ISWC

In AJ we at least had a few of those fields in the information tab, but in Elements I just can’t find it anywhere. On the other hand, adding a PDF in the ZIP file is not exactly an infallible method and it would be extremely time consuming to re-pack all our catalogs just to include the file. It would take months of queue.

As far as I know, we still have no way to know if a download is being made via Enterprise License so we aren’t able to get in touch with customers to provide them this info, just as we could back in the AJ days checking the Statement.

Anyway, is that info available anywhere currently? Thanks a bunch! :slight_smile:

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We’re currently looking at ways to make the checking and clearing of licenses easier for customers. There hasn’t been a definitive decision yet but we’ll likely be getting your feedback and suggestions as we look at rolling something out. Thanks!

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Hey there! Thanks for the speedy reply. I understand that clearing licenses is also important, but my main concern in this topic was other:

  • Can a customer check an author’s IPI number, PRO and ISWC right now without having to look it up in AJ?

It would also be great to know specifically if Envato-SS plans to add some kind of feature or way an author can filter standard downloads from Enterprise Plans downloads.

Thx again! :slight_smile: