Help with a theme

I tried to submit a support ticket through ThemeREX support on a theme I purchased and it keeps saying my license key is not valid. I went to the downloads and downloaded the license certificate and purchase code.pdf file and copied and pasted it 3 times and it still said license key not valid. I even typed it in manually by hand with no luck. I paid for this theme and a year’s worth of support. I am not sure what to do. I just purchased it today so maybe it takes 24 hours for the code to become active. There was no phone number to call or any chat options available so I thought I would try here.

Any suggestions are appreciated.


Hello Janie!

Yes I can see you purchased the theme in November. I’ll tag in @ThemeREX to see if they can fix up your support forum issue for you.

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Thank you so very much for the prompt response. I had kind of a sick feeling in my gut that I bought something from a site I should have checked out first but maybe not. I look forward to hearing from someone.



It has been 3 days and nobody has reached out to me from the support department. I went online again at and tried to submit a new ticket and it would not go through like last time.
