[Help]My first PSD item needs improvement - SCREENSHOTS problem

Please help me, my first item has been soft rejected.

SCREENSHOTS: There is a problem with your Preview Image Set (screenshots). Preview Image Sets should be uploaded in a separate ZIP file, which contains only additional views of your item, in JPEG format. The JPEGs should be no larger than 900x900px, and named in the order you want them to appear, using the following format: 01_filename.jpg, 02_filename.jpg, 03_filename.jpg.

And here’s my Preview Image Set archive

01_preview.jpg - 590 x 300 px
02_luxury_modern_digital_store.jpg - 253 x 900 px

What’s the problem? Help me please.

In Themeforest I saw many items have large screenshots. Only 01_preview.jpg is 590 x 300 px. The others are very large.
Example: https://themeforest.net/item/thefox-multipurpose-psd-template/8894353?s_rank=1
The second preview image’s 1920 x 8368 px.

But my second preview image’s 253 x 900 px. Is it problem?