Help me with my rejected project

Hi every one;
I’m new in envato and this is my first project that I submitted and have rejected by Envato Quality team reviewer. this is the Email that I received after rejection:

"Unfortunately this item does not meet our quality requirements and cannot be accepted at this time.

The item does not meet our minimum design, animation, and technical requirements. We strive to accept professional quality projects, and unfortunately this submission doesn’t quite meet that criteria.

When reviewing projects, in addition to overall quality of design and execution, we take into consideration the flexibility, usefulness, appeal to a broader audience and broadcast readiness of the file. Unfortunately we don’t feel as though this project meets the standards we have set for these criteria."

Please help me what should I do to upgrade my project in order to submit it successfully!
Thank you

Im also facing the same problem, i uploaded 4 project 2 was approved but unfortunately 2 rejected, and i received the same email from envato which you received,
In your case i feel that the background you use is seems annoying. you could use static background or footage with dark saturation.
But the exact reason of rejection is still unknown.
Hopfullly someone tell the envato to mention the exact reason of rejection ,rather then this typical email.

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There are issues with overall execution: both design and animation aren’t much better than tons of existing projects on videohive. If you want to dive in this ocean of titles projects - you need to bring something outstanding in terms of design, animation or idea

Thank you very much. I’ll change background for my next submission.

Thank you.
Dose it have any good criteria which I can work on it to improve and reach an outstanding point?
or its better to start from scratch?