[Hard reject] After effects template without any feedback

Hi everyone, I made a 2D after effects template that was directly rejected from videohive and I got no feedback at all. Here is the preview : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iq9HDbx7Y-c
I would like to know if this is really bad or that hard reject can come from something else ?

It’s definitely not bad man, just that there are already enough templates on this syle. If you want to make a 2D logo reveal, you really need to make something unique, or just visually stunning. Good luck


Hi! ) very simple animation, I think it is necessary to complicate the draft, add details.

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Thank you guys ! I will keep that in mind

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The animation’s good, but the whole thing is not earth shatteringly good.

I think you’re moving in a pretty saturated category with a fairly simple project. That’s probably the main reason for the hard rejected. There are enough of these on VH already.