Footage for project's preview

Hello, fellow community members :slightly_smiling:
I want to try and make a AE trailer project template. So I was wondering where do you get stock footage for your project preview? I’ve seen a lot amazing trailer templates on VH and noticed that authors and especially the great ones use gorgeous cinematic, slow motion, perfectly timed… etc… footage for preview. I understand that good looking footage can help a lot to enhance the look of your template and increase the sales even if it’s not included in the project. SO where do you get that footage? Ive seen some scenes from movies and even video game trailers (example Mortal Kombat X. and if Im not mistaken the template was by one of the greatest VH authors - Voxyde). So how do I find and know if its legal for me to use that footage in the preview? I just want to know how it is done :slight_smile:

Thanks for answers in advance

Hey there ,

You can find stock footage for project preview from vimeo .
Just search for the footage and on the left hand side there is a column named “+ more filters” just click
on it and a drop down will appear and then click on “CC BY” and then the search will get updated and
you can select any footage from there but the thing is that you need to provide the link in your description of the footage like you may be doing for audiojungle when you use audiojungle music in your previews

Have a great day and all the best for your project :smile:


Thank You for great tips :slight_smile:

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Didn’t want to start another thread for another quick question on the very similar subject so I’ll ask here :slight_smile:

Do I need to provide a model or property release when I’m using “CC BY” vimeo video in my project preview?

The CC BY vimeo video will be used in VH preview video and not included in the project itself (the link to the original video will be provided in the description). But in some shots there are clear, recognizable faces so I got a little confused :slight_smile:

Thanks in advance :slight_smile: