Final cut pro templates

I almost always have problem with final cut pro Envato video templates

When ever i want to insert a video to a designated place it behaves only as a still photo on almost 80 percent of designated media drop ins. Do in the preview of the video template it is clear that it is made for video files. So i have to go to premiere and do the template from there. cant understand why? Thank you.

How about this?

If you do a search on Google:

That may provide the answer you need.
Some people mentioned changing audio outputs …

Thank you, i have reproduction of video clips on timeline. It is when i put them in template from envato that video clips want play but acts like stills.

I understand what you are saying, but in this case since I don’t use Final Cut Pro I can only guess …

However, does this link help you solve the issue?

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Thank you; i saw the post now, so sorry for late reply. I did try that one with compound clip but not with this flavour :smiley:
13) move your mouse cursor left/right and keep clicking (not too fast or you’ll open it up instead of selecting) until you can see the desired frame in the viewport,

so will try that,

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