February email campaign: ThemeForest nominations

In February of last year, our Envato email marketing team ran one of our most successful campaigns ever. In fact, it was so successful that we’re getting ready to do it all over again. Nominations are now open for our authors to get involved :slight_smile:

What’s happening?

Over the next month, Envato’s marketing team will be launching a series of dedicated email sends to our customers lists. These will feature a selection of free and discounted file pairings.

These email sends will be delivered to a super-engaged subscriber list of over 600,000 customers, making this an awesome opportunity for you to boost sales to your files and traffic to your portfolio.

In this campaign, we would like to feature two files from each author.

File 1) A Discount Item, which will be offered at a discount of 40% below its Original Price.

File 2) A Free Item, which will be offered for free.

Items will be promoted listing their applicable discounts in one of two batches:

Batch 1: Commencing Tuesday February 12.

Batch 2: Commencing Wednesday February 20.

When completing your nomination form, you will be asked to indicate whether you are nominating your files for one or both of these sends.

We’re looking for a total of 8 authors and 16 files to be featured across the two batches. Files will be selected at random from a shortlist that meets our criteria.

By nominating for this promotion, you are choosing to set the price of your Discount Item to 40% of its Original Price, for a 8-day period from time of the campaign launch. The included buyer fee will not change. More information on how to calculate prices with buyer fees is available here. If selected, the Free Item will be reduced to $0 during the campaign period.

Want to be in the shortlist for inclusion? Read the instructions below carefully…

Important: You must be the author of the item you’re submitting

:white_check_mark: What we’re looking for

  • Items that are high quality, presented well, and up-to-date
  • Items with a minimum rating of 4 stars
  • Items that have a minimum 30+ sales
  • Items that have been actively selling in the past 6 months
  • Items that have been well-received by customers
  • To help us be sure that the discount is off your normal sale price, the nominated item must be listed at a consistent price for the 30 days leading up to the promotion period. More information on how to promotional prices is available here.

:x: What we’re NOT looking for:

  • Items that are dated and not on-trend
  • Items that have not been kept updated.
  • Items with lower ratings (below 4 stars)

How do I take part?

Make sure you have read and understood our requirements above.

  1. Please also read our FAQs and terms - you can also use the FAQ thread to ask us any other questions you may have. We will continue to update and maintain those questions on an ongoing and as-needed basis.

  2. Submit your nominations by completing our form here

What happens after I nominate my item(s)?

  • If your items are selected, we will contact you via the email address you provided.
  • We will provide information about how and when your item price will be changed. See our FAQ page for full details.
  • Selected items will be promoted for a total of eight days.
    • Batch 1: Tuesday February 12 - Tuesday February 19.
    • Batch 2: Wednesday February 20 - Wednesday February 27.

Timeline of events

  • Wednesday, January 23: We launch the nomination process (you’re reading it right now!)
  • Tuesday, February 5: Item nominations close.
  • Friday, February 8: We will inform the authors of selected items and provide more details via email.
  • Tuesday, February 12: The campaign’s Batch 1 items go live
  • Monday, February 18: “24 hours remaining” reminder email for Batch 1 items
  • Tuesday, February 19: Batch 1 campaign ends
  • Wednesday, February 20: The campaign’s Batch 2 items will go live
  • Wednesday, February 26: “24 hours remaining” reminder email for Batch 2 items
  • Thursday, February 27: Batch 2 campaign ends

We’re looking forward to seeing all your nominations and working with you to promote your incredible items! We’ll also be sharing important/additional updates and announcements in the thread below, but if you have specific questions, please check the FAQs and post a new question if it has not already been answered.

Thank you and good luck!