FAMOUS FRIDAYS #3 - 5 Envato items that have popped up in famous places

Welcome to Envato Famous Fridays! Each week we’ll be taking a look at five examples of Envato items popping up in famous places. If you’d like to contribute head to our Famous Fridays forum thread.

This week, we begin with something adorable…

Oh! What a Box of Thin Mints Can Do


Just try not to smile as @TheBlueHorse’s “Fun for Kids” track underscores this cute as heck video for girl scouts.

FIAT Copilotos de la vida


@VICTORMUSIC’s “Beautiful Rainbow” adds a beautiful sense of optimism to this video for FIAT Argentina.

RuhrPark Xmas-Clip


Look, I’ll be honest. I know Christmas was about a month ago, but this video for RuhrPark, featuring @MixSound’s conveniently titled “Christmas”, has gotten me right back into the festive spirit!

ePRICE: scelta, convenienza e servizio (Spot Pubblicita TV)


@Alandra’s splashy “Jazz Drums Fast Solo” adds an element of playful energy to this TV spot for ePRICE.

Они покорили Крылатские холмы - трейл-забег Run High! от adidas Outdoor


And finally, we end with some much needed intensity brought by @TitanSlayer’s “Epic Cinematic Rock” bringing this list home with this video for Adidas.

If you have an item that’s popped up somewhere famous, post it in ourFAMOUS FRIDAYS forum thread

Read the full article here…

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Wow, I am in “Famous Fridays”. Thanks! :slightly_smiling:

very very nice

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Unexpectedly, I am glad! Thanks!

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Congratulations to you guys! Awesome distinction :slightly_smiling:

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Congrats guys! You are a big fellow! I’m proud of you!


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Cool! :slightly_smiling:

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Cool! Congrats guys :smiley:

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Very nice work.

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Looks cool =)

Congrats guys! All of you deserve it!

Congratulations guys! Very good works! :+1: