Envato Tuts+ Courses on Market

Envato Market are launching a new category this week - Courses.

This educational content will initially be sourced from Envato Tuts+ and is intended to encourage and support buyers with their other Themeforest purchases. To begin you will find courses focused on web design, available for just $5 each.

The performance of these courses will be monitored over coming months and assuming all goes well, we will look to broaden the breadth and depth of the available library to cover topics across other Markets.

Check them out!


yes, that cool and great way to learn something new

Does it really have to be on ThemeForest? I know it has the most traffic on envato market but it seems odd to have tutorial there. You can always replace the activeden with tuts.


I’m sure they will replace AD with Tutsplus.

But I think this is really cool to have there because of some reasons.

  1. Price is only for per tutorial which is very low.
    Who wants to pay a monthly fees for 700+ tutorials we don’t watch / learn?

I have some suggestions @davidbrice

  1. Web Desgn, WordPress etc… will fall in Themeforest. But there should be same Courses link in all marketplaces. eg: Video related tutorials on Videohive and Photography related on Photodune, PHP related on Code canyon etc…

  2. As we have a dedicated tutsplus website, Please provide the BUYERS to the access to Online Course of the same.
    It should be simple to redirect like this

This will be great for people who does NOT want to download over 2 GB of Video.

  1. Can Authors create and Upload tutorials to the Market?

Thank you.


Hey phpbits, we had a good look at your suggestion. The end outcome was that we believe it will help the community more to align educational content with the item types of each site. It’s logical from this point of view to have web design courses available on Themeforest. Thanks

Hey surjithctly, Thanks for your feedback. In relation to the suggestions - 1. Agree. 2. We have had a look at this and the development work is very significant. As this is an experiment for now, we thought it better to hold off. 3. Not for the moment, again this is an experiment, if the category works and sales are strong then we will do some further analysis opening this up to authors. Thanks

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I just thought this might effect the search algorithm on ThemeForest and will lessen more exposure on themes since some results will be from tutorials. It will have a huge impact when more tuts came out.

cool! nice move envato! :smiley:

Once upon a time there was a separate Envato marketplace for tutorials which could be contributed by authors. But then it got shut down. So I doubt there will again be that kind of move any time soon.

Is the plan to allow authors to submit courses at some point in the future?

Hi. For the moment this is an experiment in how courses work with Market. But there is that potential in the future.

I am an author also an instructor. I would want to create a tutorial series for one of my template and sell it seperately on Courses category.

So I look forward to Courses are allowed to be submitted by all authors.

Envato Is Breaking Envato Rules.

@davidbrice tutsplus's profile on ThemeForest All courses are selling in exclusive here. And Also they are selling them in tutsplus.com :slightly_smiling:

You can still sell other items elsewhere (on other
marketplaces, your own site) but any items that you place on an Envato
Market site must be exclusively sold there.


I consider this as a serious Envato Rules Violation. Take down the account :joy:


Haha… Lol

To authors:
Consider adding courses for Xamarin, i don’t know if here is the best place to post that, if not please let me know

You win! :joy:


lol :stuck_out_tongue:

@scottwills @KingDog

Wow, I’ve just discovered this category today :smiley:
It’s nice move. But I wish all authors could upload their courses here too :smiley:
And why could you sell exclusive here @tutsplus ? :smiley:

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Hey leafcolor,

Thanks for the feedback. At this stage, it remains an experiment but we are definitely looking at what we can do around opening up the category. The exclusivity was an error on our behalf - tutsplus is now selling non exclusively.

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