Envato Tuts+ Courses on Market

What is about this new section “courses” - I thought that all are created by envato bacause everyone have envato t-shirt. And today on TF there is courses as featured product … little strange?

ps. and please do not create pages in Material Design … This Google design is so bad , don’t make some standard from it…

Official Reply

Question :slight_smile: Are this courses free on “12 months subscription to the revamped Tuts+.” when you reach Elite?

Yes they will be

A follow up here to the announcement in February - the Envato Tuts+ courses on Market trial is expanding with the addition of Code courses. The aim is to continue to improve the breadth of the educational offering to benefit as many community members as possible.

Check them out!

@davidbrice are you still selling tutsplus videos on exclusively ?