Envato Elements license

Can I use Envato elements items like (UI PSD, Graphic Templates, Fonts, Illustrations & …)
in my PSD/HTML/WP Template and theme that I want to sell it in ThemeForest and other markets?
How much modify to use elements items to sell in my product in Themeforest is needed?

Thanks in advance.

Not without permission from the original author

How can I take a permission from auther or How can I know that author let me to use it without ask him?

Thank you charlie.

Ask them using item comments or email their profile (you may also need extended license)

So is there any category in envato elements that can I use in my template without asking author?



Am I missing something… I get we can use ONE (the Envato Elements license) for all elements but no where does it say where that Envato Elements license is… Can someone tell me where the lic is. When i download I see the file and can add projects to that download but again… where is the license code i can use when activating the template, plugin etc…

Elements items don’t come with a purchase code like regular purchases https://help.elements.envato.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000621443-Do-I-need-a-purchase-code-

Items from Elements should be usable without the need for registration (meaning that things like auto updates etc. may not be available)