Envato Birthday campaign - VideoHive item nominations

Envato Birthday Campaign

  • Envato’s Birthday is rapidly approaching. This year, as part of the celebrations our team is going to run a major marketing campaign that will feature items from across Envato Market.
  • For this campaign we will be featuring selected items that are at a discount of 40% from their normal sale price.
  • The campaign will be live between 4pm Tuesday 28th August - 4pm Monday 3rd September (AEST).

We’d love you to nominate your items for our campaign. See below for more details on how to do this.

What are you looking for?

We’re looking for a range of great items from ThemeForest, CodeCanyon, GraphicRiver, AudioJungle and VideoHive.

From our analysis of previous marketing campaigns, the best sales results are experienced by authors who put forward their best items for sale. We are therefore only looking for your very best items that meet the campaign criteria. Please read and follow the requirements below carefully, otherwise your items may not be eligible for participation.

The process

Step one: Nominate your items by the 20th of August 2018.

Please complete an entry form here so we know how to contact you :slight_smile:

Note: We’re only accepting a maximum of three items per author; so choose wisely and put your best content forward! All items must meet the following criteria:

  • Rule #1: You must be the author of the item you are submitting

:white_check_mark: What we’re looking for

  • Items that are high quality, presented well, and up-to-date
  • Items with a minimum rating of 4 stars
  • Items that have a minimum 20+ sales
  • Items that have been actively selling in the past 6 months
  • Items that have been well-received by customers
  • To help us be sure that the discount is off your normal sale price, the nominated item must have been listed at a consistent price for the 30 days leading up to the promotion period.

:x: What we’re NOT looking for:

  • Items that are old and not on-trend
  • Items that have not been kept updated.
  • Items with lower ratings (below 4 stars)

By nominating for this promotion, you are choosing to set your price to 40% of its Original Price, for the specified campaign period. The included buyer fee will not change. More information on how to calculate prices with buyer fees is available here.

Step 2: Our team will select the items

The Envato team will select the files based on the quality of the nominations. They will be beginning the selection process the 20th of August (AEST), so make sure you nominate your items before then!

If your items are selected for the promotion, we’ll contact you via email.

Step 3: The Campaign goes live.

If selected, your discounted item will be promoted with the discount based on the price of your item for the campaign promotion period (28th of August to the 3rd of September, AEST).

We’ll be promoting it through the following channels:

  • To our engaged list of email subscribers.
  • Through our social media networks.
  • On our Envato Platform
  • Through external marketing channels

We’ll automatically apply the 40% discount to the selected files just before the campaign goes live. You may want to leave a discount in place after the promotion or to manually return the price to its original level or a different price altogether. It’s entirely up to you :slight_smile:

Step 4: Throughout the Campaign

We’ll be periodically reviewing the page to make sure we’re promoting the best deals for customers. Items which don’t meet the promotional criteria will be removed from the promotion (but of course, will remain for sale on Envato market). We also reserve the right to add or subtract items for any reason.

How do I take part?

  1. Make sure you have read and understood our requirements above.

  2. Based on the requirements, look through your items and select a maximum of THREE items per marketplace from your own Envato Market portfolio.

  3. Submit your nominations via the form linked below:

What happens after I nominate my item(s)?

  • If your item(s) are selected, we will contact you via the email address you provided.
  • We will provide information about how and when your item price will be changed. See our Campaign FAQ page for full details.
  • Selected items will be promoted through our marketing channels as of Tuesday, August 28th and will remain promoted until Monday, 3rd September (4pm - 4pm AEST).

Timeline of events

  • August 6: We launch the nomination process (you’re reading it right now!)
  • August 20: Item nominations close.
  • August 23: We will inform the authors of selected items and will provide more details via email.
  • August 28: Campaign commences.
  • September 3: Campaign closes.

We’re looking forward to seeing all your nominations and helping you to promote your incredible items! We’ll also be sharing important/additional updates and announcements in the thread below, but if you have specific questions, please check the FAQ thread, and post a new question if it has not already been answered.

Thanks again and good luck!