Enter our Helpful Hacker sticker design contest - Winners Announced!

Nicely done @TranSMaxX2 :facepunch::blush:

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KingDog, Do i have to put my design in the hexagon badge template?

Yes the hexagon format would be best to match our other badges :smiley:


Okay… I will rework my design in the hexagon badge!!!
Thank you KingDog !!!

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@KingDog A really nice and unique contest! Thanks!

I was wondering if the new sticker is to replace the existing Helpful Hacker badge or is it only meant to get printed for the community?

If meant for printing as a sticker only, then we can try complex designs and different color mix-ups, else a minimal single color option would suit best for the badges.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

That’s what I was wondering. He posted complex designs for T-shirt printing but at the same time he posted the simple-looking current badge. It’s not clear what we have to do.

Here we go :smiley: I’m in … My final design in my second posts down below :point_down:


I’ll be a bit helpful here to the guys that have no idea what to do. All badges are hexagonal, so your badge has to be the same format. Also, notice that all icons are basically white on a color? Envato’s probably looking for a new badge that’ll fit that. Now, sharpen your pencils!


Plus a pro tip: I’m quite sure that the reason this icon is going away, is the bug on it. They don’t want any bugs.

update: thought this was a badge contest, but it actually is a sticker contest!



I have changed my mind, I want to change the design with elegant badge style.
Please forget about the first design I posted here

This is my final update: :raising_hand_man: Hope you like it guys :slight_smile:

:point_down: Sticker :point_down:


Hi @KingDog, should the sticker be hexagonal and be able to scale to the size of the badge in the profile, or does the shape not matter? If I draw separate layouts for the sticker, badge and t-shirt, but they will look the same style, will it be considered?


Great contest and beautiful logos! Good luck everyone!

Tomorrow I will post my idea! :slight_smile:

We will certainly consider all submissions :grin:

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The issue has been detected.


I am not a professional designer but this is my result after 2 days of trying haha![sticker14|448x500]


Finally Revised! :boom:
Single Concept with Possible Varitations :writing_hand:

let’s have a look :point_down:

T-Shirt Mockup Style 01
T-Shirt Mockup Style 02


@The4 You and I have a same idea. My mock up was finished tomorrow.

The official badge will be submitted soon. Good idea, good job. Congrats :wink:

Nice idea! :+1:

Awesome design!
Looks great in profile!

This is cool design! I like it!:+1:

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