Ease and Wizz question

Hello guys,
I am using Ease and Wizz by Ian Haight. Ease and Wizz creates a expression that allows you to make movements smoother. Now I want to know how I can use the expression for only two frames. The problem is that I want to use different movements types for my camera, but the script creates a expression for all frames. So I have create always anpther camera. How can I solve that problem?

Thanks :slight_smile:

Bake the keyframes.

EFEKT_Studio said

Bake the keyframes.

What is baking?

Select keyframes with expression, go to Animation/Keyframe Assitant/Convert Expression to Keyframes

Line up your work area in and out points and go to Keyframe Assistant… Convert Expressions to Keyframes.

Alternatively, write all your expressions out on a sheet of paper and pop 'em in the oven at 190c for 45 minutes.

You’ll get better results from the first method though.

I get endless keyframes. Why? And what does convert expression to keyframes? And should I do with the expression, its still written down?

BoostShock said

I get endless keyframes. Why? And what does convert expression to keyframes? And should I do with the expression, its still written down?

As felt stated, make in and out points.

You can delete the expression. It’s switched off anyway, once it’s been converted.

To set your work area, move the play back head to a point… press B…for Beginning then move it to a later point… press N for eNd.

Now you’ve set your work area. You’ll only get key points between those in and outs when you convert expressions to key frames.

Baking is used as a general term for changing anything that’s dynamically generated into something immutable. You’ll also hear about baking textures / particles / dynamics etc. if you use 3D. It stops the program having to do the calculations and converts those calculated values into keyframes that are remembered by the program… a list of values.

If you make an Expression Slider and set its value to 85.

Then on the rotation property, you write the simple expression…

r = effect(“Slider Control”)(1).value;

Then the layer will jump to a rotation of 85 degrees. If you change the slider, then the rotation will also change… but if you first bake the expression into keyframes, then change the slider… nothing happens. The frames have all been baked at 85.

Baked is baked. After Effects retains the expression, but disables it, in case at any point you want to go back to the dynamically generated value.

Thanks felt (wow great explanation) and effekt :slight_smile:

I still have a problem :frowning:

I show it in this video:

Temporarily dup the layer, then copy and paste the keyframes?

Alternatively, wrap your expression in the following if block.

startTime = 1.3; //in seconds… change this

endTime = 4.5; //in seconds… change this

if((time>=startTime) && (time<=endTime)) {

//your code

} else {

