Dribbble Invitation Giveaway

I just put this link for who is interesting.


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I’ll try. Thank you for the opportunity!

Sorry for my words but f… Dribbble. You choose almost only illustrators and some logo designers or friends with quality -1. Stupidest community people ever created.

And this Your competitions: send portfolio, follow my profile, like my work, share my website etc. etc. :smiley:

i never asked follow me or like my works.

Probably shouldn’t reply to you.

I do not say that everyone do that but 99%.

Wordica don´t be that person! Egemen is giving invites for Dribbble, either you in or out. BTW, i´m in :slight_smile:

Today I’m also in - today I got invite :wink: https://dribbble.com/wordica :smiley: I wait ehh 2 years for this … ?

can anyone please tell me what is the benefit of dribbble invitation?

  • get new job
  • meet new people
  • incredible community