Dribbble Invite Giveaway (2)

Hey Guys, i got 2 Dribbble Invites.

1- Follow me on Dribbble : https://dribbble.com/imithemes
2- Post your best shot here (400×300 pixels – JPG , GIF or PNG)

Good Luck!

P.S. Thank you @metrothemes for inviting me to Dribbble a year ago :slight_smile:



A bit smaller… but I hope it’s fine. It’s the logo of my last HTML template. You can check it on my profile. Actually I created this in paint first when I was bored at some kind of meeting in front of a pc and started to have fun with paint, then I realised it was cool, redesigned it in photoshop with a lot of modifications and a fixed size for letters, then applied some awesomeness with AfterEffects. Thank you and good luck all of you!

Invites are still available I will send invites on coming weekend


Heres a shot of my latest theme. I would absolutely love to be part of the dribble community.


Thanks so much,

Scott ( elusivethemes )

@graphix_shiv Sorry, but I asked for your best shot please do not send multiple shots. Also please check the dimension of image it should be 400px by 300px

Hi there!
Here is a shot of my latest theme. For real pixel you can check here
I hope you like it. Thank you



@imithemes sorry mate, I’ve withdrawn my items…here is mine.



Nice way to handout invites, here’s something I’m currently working on.


Sharing an entry from an ongoing contest lol. :smiley:

Hehe, yes but I withdrawned it anyway. Now it’s redesigned, blind and safe kept by me.

Why too small size of images? :smiley:
So. i’ll try!

Motor - Logotype for my first PSD & HTML for ThemeForest. WordPress soon. :wink:

Behance Project Presentation

<img src="//cdck-file-uploads-global.s3.dualstack.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/envato/original/3X/5/1/51e407e51544e249f01a567f6d32d89f6e970181.jpg" width=“400” height=“300”

Hey! Ignore all I’ve sent till now. Here’s my first gif with requested size for dribbble:


Thank you!

@pottereight Welcome to Dribbble. Check your email :grinning:

@elusivethemes I decided to provide you another invitation but it seems like your Dribbble account is not set to available for draft. Thanks

Awesome. Thank you so much :slight_smile: I just logged in and it should be now.

Welcome to the game! Happy Dribbbling :smile:

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