Hey Guys, i got 2 Dribbble Invites.
1- Follow me on Dribbble : https://dribbble.com/imithemes
2- Post your best shot here (400×300 pixels – JPG , GIF or PNG)
Good Luck!
P.S. Thank you @metrothemes for inviting me to Dribbble a year ago
Hey Guys, i got 2 Dribbble Invites.
1- Follow me on Dribbble : https://dribbble.com/imithemes
2- Post your best shot here (400×300 pixels – JPG , GIF or PNG)
Good Luck!
P.S. Thank you @metrothemes for inviting me to Dribbble a year ago
A bit smaller… but I hope it’s fine. It’s the logo of my last HTML template. You can check it on my profile. Actually I created this in paint first when I was bored at some kind of meeting in front of a pc and started to have fun with paint, then I realised it was cool, redesigned it in photoshop with a lot of modifications and a fixed size for letters, then applied some awesomeness with AfterEffects. Thank you and good luck all of you!
Invites are still available I will send invites on coming weekend
Heres a shot of my latest theme. I would absolutely love to be part of the dribble community.
Thanks so much,
Scott ( elusivethemes )
@graphix_shiv Sorry, but I asked for your best shot please do not send multiple shots. Also please check the dimension of image it should be 400px by 300px
Hi there!
Here is a shot of my latest theme. For real pixel you can check here
I hope you like it. Thank you
@imithemes sorry mate, I’ve withdrawn my items…here is mine.
Nice way to handout invites, here’s something I’m currently working on.
Sharing an entry from an ongoing contest lol.
Hehe, yes but I withdrawned it anyway. Now it’s redesigned, blind and safe kept by me.
Why too small size of images?
So. i’ll try!
Motor - Logotype for my first PSD & HTML for ThemeForest. WordPress soon.
<img src="//cdck-file-uploads-global.s3.dualstack.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/envato/original/3X/5/1/51e407e51544e249f01a567f6d32d89f6e970181.jpg" width=“400” height=“300”
Hey! Ignore all I’ve sent till now. Here’s my first gif with requested size for dribbble:
Thank you!
@pottereight Welcome to Dribbble. Check your email
@elusivethemes I decided to provide you another invitation but it seems like your Dribbble account is not set to available for draft. Thanks
Awesome. Thank you so much I just logged in and it should be now.
Welcome to the game! Happy Dribbbling