Disgusting example of stealing my music and music of one of my friend, that caused blocking of his account

Hi. Today my friend and Audiojungle fellow author got blocking message of his account from Envato due copyright infrigement. This is his post My account blocked without any warning from Envato. Because he is my friend and live near my city, he asked me to help him to identify this case. His English skills are poor, and i helped him, composing and translating letters. When he recieved detailed report from Envato, we found full album of 80s style music, that was composed of various tracks under “Golden Age Freestylers” alias. My track was number 1 and his track was number 8. All were renamed and this album name was “Steeling Night”. So it seems that those THIEF released this album, probaby it was uploaded to Content ID or similar system and Frontmusic recieved report of copyright infringement. So it seems i will be next. Funny things, all our track were released on Audiojungle BEFORE this ripoff album. We both in close contact with Envato support, we can provide full and detailed screenshots of our projects that were stolen. But what really frighten me, that every THIEF can block ANY of your account, just releasing YOUR STOLEN MUSIC. I know, @TimMcMorris have similar case.I am asking Envato to protect us from such bocking and before block any accounts, may be better to ask AUTHORS whats going on here. I hope, this situation will be resolved soon, but after such situation i am forced to upload all my library to AdRev, as many authors suggested me. Sorry buyers, i need to do something with such cases


I hope that after this post Envato, if at least will give the authors the opportunity to show that they really are the authors of their music, and not just indiscriminately block accounts. Because not all of the authors who have blocked are the thieves!

I wish you good luck and achievement of truth!

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Thank you. As for me i am really upset, that there are idiots, who stealing our music so easy. How to be protected from such situtation? May be more established authors will give me some advice? AdRev is not ideal too, it only monitor Youtube usage of music. I am also afraid about loosing sales, due changes of my attitude to Content ID system… Depressed… What to say more…

That is outrageous! Some people have no morals in life, and to call it “Steeling Night” is like they’re mocking you! If you need any support we can back you up and report this violation, and uploading to adrev is OK as long as you state in the item description that is is registered so that YouTube Business accounts that use your music can clear it.

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This is the one of the disadvantages with not being able to use copyright collection societies with Audiojungle music.

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Thats exactly was my feeling when i saw this so called “album”. If 2 Audiojungle authors tracks were there, i suggested to authors, who have 80s styled music in portfolio to contact me privately and i will send link to this “album”. May be someone else will be affected too. As for Envato i highly regret about their policy of blocking accounts versus soft disabling of problematic tracks. As for Frontmusic, his MONTHLY sales equal to my DAILY sales, and for him blocking of his account is real disaster. He is nice guy, helped me a lot in mixing and mastering. I hope this situation will be resolved as soon as possible. I am glad about Tech Support reaction, it was fast.


Another huge case of music rip off, I still don’t have any idea why people could just easily claim tracks as their own :confused:
Hope this case will get solved soon mate


Yeah that’s a good idea, might be worth posting a thread with the album for people to view. Hopefully Frontmusic can get things sorted asap, definitely not fair on him and it’s bad enough having your music ripped off let alone a suspended account! It’s an eye opener though for sure, there must be a hundred other cases of this happening that we’re unaware off which is the scary thing!

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Im very sorry to read this…This is one of the main reasons why i joined AdRev…The problem will be resolved soon with no doubt…Good luck!

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This is this album (i deleted link) My track is number 1 there, renamed as “Entering the Neo 80s” and my original music is here http://audiojungle.net/item/80s-mood/13135772 Frontmusic track is under number 7.

That’s crazy… to think that in your statement on AJ, one of those buyers was gonna rip it off! Seems that theres no way of reporting it on that website either, and I’ve never even heard of Tidido before.

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Well as we all know, all buyers after the purchase get the WAV and MP3 mastered files so they can easily use them to release album…This is very unfair to authors.

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Sounds like a nightmare scenario.
It would be nice that the authors had the benefit of the doubt until proven guilty and not freeze their entire account. Just the track involved. And obviously, contact the author in advance. Like a 48 hs warning, or something.
As we cannot use PRO registered songs, the only way to protect our portfolio is by using ContentID partners.
BTW I don´t think your sales are going to be affected by CID, at least that was my experience :slight_smile:

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What a horrible experience! Hope things are resolved quickly!

Unfortunately, this type of thievery is inevitable. Quite sickening. The only thing we can do is protect our content as best we know how.

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That’s what shocked me too. i had no idea that my track affected too. Gladly, this site player have auto rewind feature and after playing track number 7 (rip off of Frontmusic track) it began to play track number 1 - my “80s Mood”. Just imagine my reaction. I thought i was started my AJ page with this music by error or bug. But after double checking this “album” i became as angry as never before. Anger, depression, bitterness, i even can’t explain how i felt at this moment. More than this, i am now also in danger to receive exactly the same blocking of my account and loosing my sales because of someone, who purchased my and others music and sold it like thief.


Any ideas? Content ID only? Or may be some other services?

This is plain terrible! The nerve on these people… I hope you get it sorted out as soon as possible!
I don’t think Envato will lock your account without approaching you first.

Content id will not stop people stealing your music, it would not have stopped this happening. It may have alerted you to it earlier, stopped them monetising you music on YT and saved you the grief you are having now though. Stupidly if the theif is not monetising on YT and only selling it why enter it into content id ? They could also be licensing the tracks in other libraries .

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CID would prevent getting a copyright notice from youtube etc, but wouldn’t prevent our music to be stolen and published in another country with that country PRO. That’s for sure :scream:

This is horrible and disgusting situation! I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you, guys, hope everything will be okay soon!)

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