A dev made us a website, allegedly he says he bought the code in CodeCanyon , but some things don’t match. We belive he got it ilegally for free and is charging us, and we don’t want to be running a website without a valid license and it’s paramount for us to have the details.
He gave us some “purchase cerificate” , with a license key ( that we belive he forged ). How can we validate:
The date of purchase
The price he purchased
The license and pakage
And the account?
Please! Help, We are almost sure we are getting scammed : (
This is exactly why people should ask clients to purchase their own items.
Depending on the item it may be that there is functionality for updates etc that relies on envato APIs in which case the person helping you should be able to configure that.
It won’t give you the details of when it was purchased, for how much etc but you won’t get that info out of envato or authors either.
As he’s the only one who has access to the purchase code, if the item comes with activation/registration, the item author may have the code on their system.
You can contact the item author with your concerns, I believe they would like to “verify” the code as you may be getting one at the end
Teachify LMS – Powerful Learning Management System
Btw What happens when an item gets removed by the author or staff? Does the link stays the same or it doesn’t work anymore? How does that page look like? : )
A screenshot would be so valuable in case you have one of those items in your bag!! : )