Credit Subtle Patterns

Dear Experts!
I found this FAQ from

FAQ: Can I use the patterns in themes I make and sell on ThemeForest or similar sites?
Yes, but please credit Subtle Patterns in your theme description or source code.

  1. What does this “your theme description” mean?

Themeforest theme description page?
Or, CSS file theme description like description:……?

  1. How to credit in source code?

Thanks in advance.

Hi @anSRThemeAction,

You need to link to Subtle Patterns either in:

  • Item description - the one you create during upload process,
  • Source code - choose a place in your stylesheet CSS file - either at the top or near the “background” property of the element you want to use pattern with.


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Hi @LucaThemesCom,

Thank you so much for your kind effort.
What you said was my guess. Now it’s crystal clear to me.

And thanks again :slight_smile:
Mohammad Shohel Rana