Create a Video Tutorial and win $3,500-worth of Prizes!

#Announcing the Winners!

###A big thank you for all of the impressive, high-quality submissions that have been pouring into this forum thread over the course of the last few months. It’s been an absolute pleasure for the Affiliate Team reviewing each and every one of your informative videos. Although it was very hard to determine all the winners, we can now reveal the winning entries!

#The Podium
The podium prizes are reserved for the videos of the very highest quality!

:star: Great work everyone! The Affiliates Team greatly admired your editing techniques, visual comprehension and teaching skills. As with Envato tradition, we will be rewarding you all with an Envato Contest Badge of your very own. Wear it proudly!

#$250 Category Prizes

Industry-specific videos are in high demand, and the YouTube side of the internet is an ever-growing source of knowledge. Hopefully, these high quality tutorials will be educating minds for years to come!

#$500 Bonus Prize
We also offered a bonus prize for the video that showcased the best end-product created with an Envato item. The video that impressed us most of all was…

#$100 Additional / Surprise Bonus Prize

We would like to also take the time to acknowledge the great work done by manojrouth with his video on how to utilize Envato Market as a product. Great initiative! You showcased our site very well, and we thank you for going above and beyond with your work!

:moneybag: All prizes will be paid within the next 2 weeks, badges will be awarded by the end of the day!

###That’s a wrap, folks!

We hope you enjoyed creating these insightful and impressive videos just as much as we (and potential learners) enjoyed watching them. We have a saying here at Envato where we help people to learn and earn. Today, you helped us do just that. And after all, aren’t shared efforts like this exactly what a community is all about? :slight_smile:

:wave: Drop-by and say hi to the Affiliates Team in our forums