Our scheduled downtime has now concluded and sites have returned to business as usual. If you come across anything unusual in your Envato Travels, please let us know below.
Hey everyone,
Starting 31 July (mid-morning AEST) (Late evening 30 July UTC), Envato will be moving the Market sites from one hosting provider to another. Within this process we will be taking Envato Market offline temporarily while we complete the work. The Envato API will also be unavailable, however Envato Tuts+ and Envato Studio will be unaffected.
Here’s a rough timeline of activities so you know what’s going down:
30th July, Late Evening AEST (29th July Mid-Morning UTC)
We’ll be stopping uploads to the review queue. Anyone attempting to upload will receive a banner informing them of what’s going on.
31 July, Mid-Morning AEST (30 July, Late Evening UTC)
We will be urging customer and authors to complete their business on the site, and letting them know that we will be disabling payments in half an hour.
Roughly half an hour later:
We will disable payments across the platform. Customers will be alerted to this via a banner across all market sites as well as a pop-up message for signed in users. The banner will also notify customers of the upcoming downtime.
Roughly half an hour later:
We will bring the site offline. Anyone visiting the market will be directed be presented with a custom maintenance page and a forum thread. We are anticipating that the work should be finished in roughly four hours. This time-span may be extended if we feel there is a need for additional work.
For those who want to be kept up-to-date with the progress, you can check out all the action (live!) from our status.envato.com website. We’ll also be providing occasional summary updates throughout the day on the forums.
Please let us know if you have any questions below and we’ll do our best to answer them.
- Matt