Classiera theme

Hi everybody :);

Classiera theme enables charging sellers, but I don’t want to charge the seller when he is publishing an ad (no pay per post), but potential buyers. So I was wondering:

  1. Is it possible that a buyer can contact a seller only when the buyer is logged in? He can still see the ads while not having an account, but he needs to have an account and to be logged in to be able to contact sellers.

  2. Is it possible to install a payment when users create an account? A fee that a user would pay to have a one-year access to the ads.

I am lost and don’t know what to use for my project.
So big thanks a lot in advance.



The best way to get the answer is Contact your purchased Theme Author. Contact Author and let them know your query.



Thanks for your answer. But I did not purchase the theme yet. So can’t contact them ;). The reason why I posted that topic is to know if it is worth buying it or not given my project.


no problem you can ask pre sale questions going through Item details page then comments tab and post your query. Author will be happy to answer you. Thanks

Thanks for your answer. :slight_smile: When I am on the comments tab, I can’t find how to post a query. I can see all the comments already posted, I can search comments, and even select the ones from buyers or authors only. But I can’t find where I can post. Am I missing something?

Just found why and how: I needed to be logged in! Thanks in I will post a query. Thanks a lot

always welcome. Thanks