Can we PLEASE have a responsive AJ player for our web sites!

I don’t want to come off as ungrateful, and I appreciate the work that was done on the latest version of the player, however I am desperate to have an external AudioJungle player that is responsive!

I am in the midst of having a large website update to my personal site and it’s crazy that the AJ player is not fitting into any mobile layouts properly.

If it’s something that isn’t going to happen I just want to know so I can pay someone to do it, and I can have my own system with lists and referrals etc on my site. Considering the most crucial thing is for us to drive traffic back to our AudioJungle acounts I assumed it was kind of a high priority. …but, I’ve been asking for 2 years now… so…

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It was a REALLY quick modification, not sure it will work, but please test and let me know.

Go and generate an audio player from here: and then in the code it gives you change this line of code:

<script src="//"></script>

to this:

<script src="//"></script>

any problems please provide a link to the page with the player on it so I can see the issue and provide a fix :slight_smile: enjoy!


Some quick tests are here:

It could look better on really small but that’s a bit more work.

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Wow!! Awesome :smile:
I am very grateful for this.

Also slightly annoyed however as support told me (a long time ago) it was something that would take time to accomplish. :rage:

The code almost works perfectly, with a small amount of cut off on the iphone 6+

Here is a screen shot

<a href="

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My player works on my phone, but not in all browsers?