Can someone help me find this track?

This should be from @StudioKolomna

How do I know this? I made a draft video using your preview and I’ve uploaded on a dummy YT channel waiting for the Content ID copyright message. I got the author and title “Epic Cinematic” but I couldn’t find it. Hopefully the author will chime in :slight_smile:


Hello. Yes, this is my track. Now I’ll try to find it.

Here is the track you were looking for. :grinning: :metal:
Next time If you lose my track you can upload a track to YouTube as you wrote above @lucafrancini , copy the track number, open any track on the audiogungle and replace this number with the one shown by YouTube. And you will immediately find my track on audiojungle.
Better yet, just contact me and I will search for you. :grinning: But if you do not want to lose the track in the future, then it is better to add it to your favorites on audiojungle or put it in the basket in advance.
Hope I helped you. Feel free to contact!