Can I sell my Theme Through Themeforest in free of cost

I have a WordPress Theme, Can I submit and sell it on ThemeForest platform. Is there any commission they charge on submitting and sales.

It has to be approved for sale and yes there are fees involved once that is achieved.

Thanks for your presence. Can you please tell what will be the approving terms & conditions and explain in details what will be achieved after fees is charged.


First thing you can’t sell your product free of cost in enavto market because enavto market is a Sellers and Buyers platform. For starting sale enavto market at first you have to submit your product to get approve. If your product get approve then your product will be ready to go for sale and there some fees wil be applicable according to envato rules and you have options to set your product price when you will submit for review.

Envato Author Fee Schedule

You can check the following as you are interested in WordPress theme.
Wordpress theme requirements:

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