Can I pass my thema to another hosting?

Hello good afternoon

I have an envision thema license

and I had it in a hosting but it went very wrong with that hosting provider now I am buying from another hosting provider

My question is this

I can install my envision thema in another new hosting and in the old one remove it

or what should I do
I just want to have it in a domain

Thank you


If you register the theme in your current old hosting then you have to deregister the license first from old hosting then you have to register again in new hosting using the purchase code.

If you need support about this license transfer from old hosting to new hosting then you can contact your purchased theme Author. They will assist you because license activation maintained by item Author own database systems. You can also check theme documentation.


sorry for ignorance
but as I cancel the registration of the thema in the previous accommodation

they never gave me a license nor do they enter a license in my thema envision

look in my client area to see which one is the license but there is nothing just giving me the download of thema envision that I bought

since I installed the thema envision in wordpress I never asked for a license and I looked for how to add the license and I didn’t find anything about this point

thema comes with licencka GPL
is what comes in the download folder

thanks for taking your time to respond


Envato purchase code is the key of License. So for getting the license key Customer should to collect their purchase code

If you need help from theme author then please contact Item Author to get support How to Contact your purchased Item Author and let them know. Item author will be happy to assist you.
