Business Card Rejected (PSD) !!?


why my business card is rejected ? i submit more than 4 designs & every time i get ‘‘Reject’’

please can you help me, i need information about layer organisation, dimention, resolutions required to get accepted by graphicriver.

Link to the psd file :

Thank you so mush

<img src="/uploads/default/origina

l/3X/9/3/9342026c38aef2f1534554ce52fe3c34b3c00be7.jpg" width=“690” height=“459”>

The only obvious thing I see is that the text lines are too close together on the contact details.

what about the PSD file ?

If there are technical issues with files, the reviewer will tell you what to fix. If you’re getting the generic rejection message, it will be because of the overall quality of the design. There are thousands of business cards already on here so you have to make designs that stand out a bit.

Thank you bro;)

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