Blocks of code and simple text formatting in comments


I would like to ask a question for the envato team and more accurately interested in CodeCanyon!
I am successfully support of my customers using comments on the product but often need to report code examples (HTML, CSS, JavaScript or other language) to understand customers better.
Or e.g. highlight any text for a better perception.
These tools I did not find. Many do not want [ B I U Color and Code blocks (CSS, JS, HTML etc.)] will be fully enough. :grinning:
It is planned do? Or there are reasons why it will not happen?

Thanks! :wink:

Use pre tags like


I do not understand one thing … why Envato can’t create next section “support question” and access to it will have only peoples which bought product ? TF is written in RoR, it’s really a 1-2 hours of work … it’s not php :slight_smile:

I have the same problem. Also, even if I use pre tags, it doesn’t work very often, especially if I use div, p tags. Comments generates them as real divs and paragraphs

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Can Envato already add some basic formatting to comments section after all these years? (while they are moving to US and take 30% tax from me). Dont tell me to install some browser extensions.