Avada Licencing Confusion

Ive purchased 3 Avadas in recent months.

Managing licencing is very confusing and frustrating to say the least.

How can I see which purchased Avadas are for which domain ?

In my downloads section at Theme Forest I can see 3 purchases of Avada but there is no way of determining which is which… See Pic

I want to purchase another, but EVERYTIME I do this it is confusing and time consuming!

The whole process is very bad…

Purchase…Purchase codes… Registration Keys…Moving a dev site to new domain( causes loss of data/widgets…then having to go through it all again.

I am no dummy, been doing this stuff for years, but when it comes to Avada. it takes so much time and frustrating, just cannot get my head around it.

Can someone please help me understand the process of of buying, registering, keeping track of multiple licences etc…



Thanks for asking your question at Envato Forum.

This is AVADA Item Support Here
You can ask your question any kind of question about AVADA @ThemeFusion author directly they will assist you well.

How to contact any Item Author from Here

If they ask about purchase key then collect from Here

Still have any question open a Envato help ticket from Here



I can understand your concern but which license you will use you have to maintain it from your side. Envato will not keep any record for this. The best way to get this answer is Contact your purchased Theme Author.

Don’t worry just contact Author. Author will be very happy to assist you.
