Author-Driven Pricing Coming to ThemeForest

@matthewcoxy A max/min pricing treshold is a must here! This is quite obvious.

I am really tired to state what’s already obvious for all those years!
MainPage DesignChanges, dropboxes vs "visible by default"links, Pricing, Visibility of older items, copycats, etc. etc.

Really enough friends.


A multipurpose low quality theme with 100s of demo can out perform a high quality theme with a single demo. This is unfortunately the trend right now. Things are only going to get worst now.

Competition doesn’t mean having 100s of demo. Not everyone can create 100s of pages and demo.

Only way to solve this mess is to increase the price of these themes offering 100 demos to a certain thereshold and balance things out. This way buyers will make a better decision in buying the theme they need rather than just going after numbers.

Just my suggestion.

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I think complete freeform pricing is a mistake. Please don’t roll this model out into the Audiojungle.


Anyone worth their salt here agrees with this, but we now need to realise that this announcement is Envato washing their hands of the 100+ demos discussion. They’re basically saying “well it’s the authors choice how much those 100+ demos are worth”.


Aand, the end of ThemeForest is near. Instead of increasing the price and managing it themselves, as it should, they’re throwing it on the authors. Some of which are from Pakistan / India and can surely sell any WP theme for $20 and still make a living.

And guess who loses those sales? Yes, we do. Don’t fool yourself that the buyers won’t be affected and they’ll know what quality is. Nowadays lots of the new authors copy ideas and stuff and most of the buyers will simply prefer buying a $10 item instead of a … $70 one.

What a joke this will become. :slight_smile: Time to prepare for moving


Envato should understand that is not GraphicRiver.

You are right about time to revisit other plans for authors.

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Please set some minimum pricing limits for each category, please don’t allow to sell items for couple of $…


CodeCanyon is one place where this would be a huge, IMO. And race to bottom is something that would not be of much concern there because the products are already selling at rock bottom prices there, unfortunately. And pricing is overly simplified - a great plugin with hundreds of features sells for the same low price as another in the same category but only has small subset of these features.

I am sure lot more plugin authors are willing to be on codecanyon if only they had a say on pricing for products they want to sell. I do not know too many great developers who would be willing to sell their plugins for $15, $18, $24.

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Oh boy.

Envato, Audiojungle is a special case, you should know this by now. Lots of Authors will suffer if you won’t get this right. Take a look at other Stocksites and music licensing in general before taking that step. Please don’t make this another race to the bottom.


I´m following since time ago the last marketplace movements and this one is definitively the worst.

Theme revisions. It´s totally normal they need so long timings to review, because Envato receives thousand of items every month and they need to review every item. The problem here, they don´t care quality, they don´t care if new authors have some previous experience -Creative Market asks for some previous works at least- and the worst part. You (Envato) don´t care if this new ‘item’ is a copycat about a decent existent one.

In my case, I have seen my items copied since I started here. I put a lot of attention and efforts designing new concepts and trying to create original products to add some value to the marketplace (better or worst it´s what I try). What I receive in change? Envato allows to anybody to copy and use assets from my projects with any control. This of course, demotivates me a lot to still follow doing my best here.

And now you are telling us that you will still allow people using assets with Leonardo Dicaprio pictures, assets from Zara and Asos, places where I was in conversations with the commercial areas to ask for permission to use and they are totally closed to allow such uses, by the way. And now, you are allowing to this really poor quality/copycaters authors to sell 50%/75%/90% lower than authors like @tommusrhodus , @FinalDestiny , @Bedros , me and many others that we contribute actively to the marketplace with quality items and quality services. Come on! If this decision progresses, it´s time in my case to think about moving from Themeforest and this looks like the final reason to do this. Because this is not gonna work, for sure.

If we have not bottom and top prices, this business model for authors is a complete RUIN.

I don´t use to comment any decision ‘by your side’ in forums, but this, guys, this is the last drop in our glasses. We can´t compete with $5 items, and in my opinion & with all my respects, this is a complete senseless.

Please, rethink about bottom/top pricing at least. Otherwise, this will be untenable.


While pricing control is awesome (hopefully with certain restrictions), it will become even more important that we have control over the complete sales funnel when this happens. Give us the tools to better track conversions, manage our own affiliates, give us much more control over landing pages to cart process.

Ideally, let us do our own thing while still being exclusive - handle the payments on our behalf and do send us the traffic but let us part with the terrible landing page that is the item page if we want to do our own marketing. It would be much better if authors had access to an isolated “buy now” page that didn’t have all the marketplace noise plastered over it.

Marketing > Our Off-Envato Landing Page > Buy via Envato Checkout Isolated (user has made up his mind, don’t confuse with the marketplace noise) > Metrics shared from the checkout page in Google Analytics (so that we can figure out abandoned cart metrics as well)

We don’t even really mind the sale recommendations you do with direct competitors product when they have bought our item. It’s just that, the marketing effort becomes ineffective if the user is overwhelmed with seeing our item page after the landing page that convinced them. It’s simply bad marketing there.

There are many smart marketers out there who can increase their sales a lot with more control. Your profits are only going to go through the roof. Pretty sure you remember the advertising trend and marketing awareness that started at ThemeForest in 2014 and how much it helped the sales go up over the years for the WordPress themes. The same happened at CC too.

Lots of CC scripts are shit and they should be priced like so, and they are.
If you leave people with shit scripts put their own prices then we, people that do hard work and create great items and we also support them, we will have to suffer a lot.

I think Envato should fix the Review Time before moving to another Topic!


IMO this is a good idea but the only way it would work is if the Popular Items are based on revenue rather than quantity of sales.


Wasn’t this already tried on ThemeForest for power elite authors and then swiftly removed a few months later?

I just popped in here to see what all the madness was about. and oh boy, this brings real sadness to my heart. This place that I once loved, that used to allow authors to create original, bloat-free products, with a real passion, is now dying a torturous death. I cannot believe the amount of ‘Elite’ authors that are still selling their services so low. You’re better than that. Can our talent be cheapened any further? Indian authors (and other parts of the world, I admit also) will be able to come in and price you out to oblivion. And dont tell me buyers are smart enough to know quality over price, or what ever way you want to spin it. They are not. Why is the weekly sellers, full of 100 page demo WP themes? Because they want the most they can get, for the smallest of prices. Wake up folks!! You’ve got bills to pay, families to feed, don’t sit here crying that Envato are heading for that iceberg in the Atlantic, time and time again. You’ll be upset if you look back on this in 6, 12 months time, and you didn’t decide to do something else with your talents.

I love this place (TF), it served me well, brought me a strong income, allowed me to create some really great work, made some great friends. That I will never deny, and feel totally appreciative of, but you need to bid goodbye with your morals, and standards still intact, sooner, rather than later.


This is not a good idea, I think… Prices will be so low…

I vote yes, go for it. Only way to take over the themes selling 100 demo.

Are you seriously comparing gr and others with tf? Really? Cmone guys you are better then this. Its the same as you stats which you are pushing out to convince that envato is awesome… we have made a blog post about some real stat’s sadly it did not get big interest which is interesting…

This is an extremely bad move! It all depends what the big guys will say :slight_smile: they have the critical mass and that should hold them on for some time. And someone sad here that not one suggestion has had any impact on envatos decision once there mind is set they will do it. Sales are all together already dropping… growth is slowing down and despite our warnings nonsense is still being implemented, instead of spending resources on reviews, UX, UI, ratings issues, more author tools, unhelpful support, bad support models etc. for gods sake the site is still not full responsive loool.

The whole moving to US charade should bring more income to us by envatos estimates lol so now its obvious its all just to cover there respectful behinds. And with this i think its another move to get the prices, refund regulations etc off there hands… and please no more of there we are all about the community because you are NOT!

Hope this pivoting of every responsibility to authors will eventually lower envatos provision since if you do not take care eventually of anything except payouts (reviews are well… 30 days :slight_smile: ) you do not deserve more than 10% which in this case would actually be fair.


I’m looking at all these messages and still no response from Envato except one they that are determined to push this to WordPress.

If authors are Envato’s partners then they should be given some respect and their voice should be listened.

When you were supposed to be fixing review process you are pushing us off the cliff, throughly disappointing.

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