AudioJungle Sales Monitor 3

Same, nothing unusual happened.

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After 28 days of silence, there were 4 sales. Two tracks and two logos. Before the withdrawal, the sale of one track is not enough. Then I think there will be a long silence again.

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3 days without sales again!!! My income this month dropped by 2 times!!! (when compared with the average month over the past six months)


April last year i had around 10 times less tracks than now as I just started to build my portfolio here but more sales and revenue. The market is suffering deeply.


I like when someone says, ā€œno sales in three daysā€ and i see last three daysā€¦ friday, saturday, sunday.
I would like to be so much optimistic, when i, sometimes, sold an item on weekend was like a party hard.


I dont understand why everyone is saying there are no sales. There is a sale on Elements right now, 40% off.


It must be going well if Elements is on sale again or even offered at half price if you want to stop your renewal. All those Elements contributors must really hate this as it must affect their payout, it is hurting us non-Elements authors as well as seeing Elements touted as a one-stop shop for assets that aims, in my opinion, to destroy a once vibrant marketplace.


Yes, it looks pretty desperateā€¦


It only becomes desperate if you also panic and feed into it yourself as sole proprietor. Individual producers and Envato corporate desperation goals are eternally in a state of conflict. All Envato cares about is increasing their subscriber base. After people use the service for a year, they probably no longer need it so they cancel it. They probably downloaded more tracks than they will ever need and see no value in the renewal. Spotify does this too. Every time you cancel Spotify, they slam you with e-mails stating ā€œCome back to PREMIUM! We will give you 3 months free!ā€

These companies just want as many credit cards on file as possible on auto charge.

Music Producers want people browsing our portfolios for broadcast licenses.

We are eternally misaligned.

Just because Envato Elements is on Sale does not mean your music needs to be on sale.

Do you know that Apple has never, ever had a sale or reduced prices in any meaningful way ever?

They always posture as ā€œwe are the best, we are expensive, no one is better than us.ā€ and guess what? they are the most profitable company in the world with the highest market valuation in the world still, and they never have 20% off sales, ever. NEVER. Think about that for a few minutes.

And oh indeed they have a ton of competition just like we all compete against each other.


And apparently some of those broadcast licenses here get sold for $8.


Honestly I think if people believe their music is actually unique, creative, and high quality enough to warrant a comparison to APPLE, one of the most innovative companies in history, then trying to sell one-off broadcast licenses through a platform like AudioJungle is probably a really poor strategy. If your music is really that good then itā€™s probably worth more than whatever youā€™re selling the broadcast license for, even if you price it at the top of the recommended range.

Personally if I have to spend more than 2 hours making a track then Iā€™m not selling it here. Even 2 hours is a stretch. Just not a high enough return on the time investment. Anything I think is actually high quality work I would never consider selling here. Thatā€™s just the way I look at it, maybe other people have had success with selling really high quality stuffā€¦ I know Steel you said you sold a license for like $800 or something like thatā€¦ but for me Iā€™d rather directly pitch those tracks for individual sync opportunities than let it sit on my portfolio with no sales for months hoping that some A&R person from a major studio or publishing company randomly stumbles across it.

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Are you serious?

Right here:

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It just blows my mind that last week was like someone turned the faucet on my portfolioā€¦
It got me 10 sales in a weekā€¦ Almost every refresh was bringing me hope and joy, just like in 2018-2019.
But it didnā€™t last long, mates! That banner showed up, someone turned the faucet off and now a whole 6 days without a single sale. :+1:


Hey Add9audio,

Personally if I have to spend more than 2 hours making a track then Iā€™m not selling it here.

This is part of the problem, this mentality. Time spent on a track has nothing to do with anything. I have been at this game for 3 decades now and youā€™d be surprised at what any track, from any genre, from any era can do. Tracks produced in 2 hours can easily go on and generate 50K in performance royalties, and micro stock royalties. Tracks that take 20 hours to produce can go on and produce $100 in total earnings.

Everyone values their work differently.

BTW, take a look at this excellence from this amazing Russian orchestra, this singer is an absolute Star. I wonder if any of these Russian cats sell tracks on AJ ? The discipline , integrity, and excellence of this performance is so impressive:


probably not even $50 this month, 2nd time in history for me. something is happeningā€¦


The problem that I see is that weā€™re trying to make this platform be something itā€™s not. You said it yourself, the entire system is built to sell stuff as cheaply and quickly as possibleā€¦ whether its ranking by sales instead of overall revenue, or whether itā€™s the fact that they donā€™t display the higher tier licenses, just the basic licenseā€¦ it all points the same conclusion which is that the platform is not built to help you sell large licenses. Which in turn means itā€™s not built to help you sell high quality stuff (the kind of stuff that lands large licenses)

So if I happen to have a high quality composition why would I try to sell it on a platform that does everything to divert focus away from high quality work and towards the cookie cutter stuff that everyone does? Sure maybe by random chance Iā€™ll sell an expensive license or 2 but it feels like playing the lottery trying to land sales like that. I feel like I would have a better shot just submitting the track directly for sync opportunities if itā€™s really as good as I think it is.

Not trying to argue here though, just trying to learn. I certainly donā€™t have 30 years industry experience so feel free to tell me where Iā€™m wrong here.

162 USD - wow, I will buy a holiday cruiser and have a global cruise with my family! Yohoooooo!!! :sailboat: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


@add9audio. You are partially right about the amount of time spent, or wasted, as you mentioned. Forgive me if i misunderstood. There are pros and cons arguements regarding this matter. You may have a great track, good mix and all the necessary ingredients. The sync platforms are a major risk. Not legally, but placement wise. And i am speaking from experience. I have numerous tracks placed in several sync platforms across the net. Different genre and approach. Not AJ criteria that you have mentioned. (Cheap and fast) . They were meticulously produced mixed and mastered.The chance of not being placed is a risk that you have to take into consideration. Some of sync platforms are paying upfront fee, or at least partially, but most of them are paying once a year. Iā€™ve experienced the unpleasant surprise that after one year of waiting, the royalities to be less than one average month in AJ. May be quite the opposite. The real issue here is the outrageous number of authors which flooded the stock music and sync music market in the last two years. The vast majority of stock music markets do not accept new authors. If several years ago they were basically snatching your tracks like eagles, now they have the luxury to reject your tracks. The competition became really atrocious.And these things happened on AJ platform, too. So besides the elements issue, we need to fight with ourselves on the AJ regular market in order to maintain the sales. And,yes, the only solution is the quality criteria.


I need one more sale this month.
One day leftā€¦ :joy: