AudioJungle Sales Monitor 2

Hi @marburymedia,

I have come to a point where I’m no longer interested in trying to understand how the search rankings works. I used to take notes and check results and whatnot, but it was way too boring.

I’m an artist after all, not an analyst, so now, I upload items and that’s pretty much it.

At higher prices, the number of items I move has shrinked and it may impact my ranking, but when I sell stuff, I don’t feel like selling my soul for peanuts anymore.:slightly_smiling_face:


@marburymedia: Yes, cinematic or complex effects are still too few in the library. I’m sure there would be a market for them. So I don’t know why they don’t let them in. Especially those from a talented and experienced sound maker like you.

To be honest, I had some rejects recently (which is rare) and one of them was a strange sci-fi effect. I think they should trust sound makers more and let most of those sfx pass the gate, because their goal IS to sound «strange», so how can they tell which is ok and which is not?

I also appreciate that you’re going with higher prices (hope I’m allowed to say that). The trend is to subscription fiestas and dollar store deals, but if more authors would have the guts to try higher prices, I think most buyers would adapt to them in the long run (without putting insanely crazy prices, of course).

About sales: absolutely dead since yesterday. :wink:


Seems like new items are invisible. Just 18 views in 8 days…


8 days without a single sale while uploading new music constantly… Never had this situation before…

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same, but i’ve got some views on past items


Absolute drought continues. This is Groundhog Day of some kind …

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It all comes back to the absurd situation of number of items sold taking precedence over the amount of revenue generated, affecting author ranking as well as search results. Theoretically, there could be someone out there selling 5 Broadcast & Film licenses a month at $1000 each, and while he would be making a solid paycheck, he’d be literally invisible on the author rankings and search results.


I know. It’s absurd!

And right now, sound effects authors have an advantage in the «Top Author» page ranking, due to how it works.

Of course, I don’t complain about that.:wink:

But while I think of it, I don’t know what effect this page has on sales, if any?

Anyway, like I said before, I’m done with this unending analyzing & juggling. Starting today, I will go back to creating things I really like and that will be it. Less stress, more fun!


Do you think your scenario (guy who makes more revenue from selling higher-priced music licenses ranks lower in search than guy who sells a larger volume of $9 tracks) exists because Envato defines “low-priced guy” as more buyer-friendly than “more expensive guy?” In other words, “low-priced guy” is more likely to draw in larger numbers of customers, day-in and day-out?

Just a thought.

Personally, I think revenue should outrank number of items sold.


Probably none, because even if buyers could find the page, author ranking would hardly indicate if a particular item is right for their project or not.

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Do you want to put me out of job or what?:stuck_out_tongue:

But seriously, that’s also my take.

The way it is set doesn’t make much sense to me.

I hope you are right. Meanwhile…Absolutely dead.

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No sir, @Nonzerobot, I definitely do not. :grinning:

If it’s any consolation, my status here is neither “high revenue guy” nor “high volume of item sales guy.” I am “clawing my way to the lower middle of the pack guy.”

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Since 2008. You got strong claws for sure! :grinning:

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I started as a buyer in '08. I started uploading a few years later. Even so, after all this time, my claws have been ground into dust. :wink:

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Keep at it, you’ll get there! :rocket: :grinning: :wink:

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Almost 3 days without sales. Just these pits in sales are already enraging, will they ever end? This is another month that goes to hell.

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Nothing. Only two sales this month. Definitely worst September ever for me. I was expecting things to pick up after summer ended. It looks like vacation time has been extended.


Hey! September! I count on you to end this month with a bang! Surprise me! :sunglasses:

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Here in Barcelona everybody is at the beach so don’t expect buyers from here. Maybe it is worthier to offer masages on the beach than music until “real autumm” comes :stuck_out_tongue: