Are proxies allowed in After Effects Project?

Hello everyone.

I am making an After Effects Template. The problem is - some of the compositions have a lot of layers and expressions and are pretty slow to render. So I am creating proxies for them. I am prerendering High-Quality footages (QuickTime PNG+Alpha) and use them as proxies. The idea is that a person will be using the proxies to tweak and render the project. But if he/she is experienced enough, he/she can disable proxies and tweak the original comps. Or maybe just dive inside to learn how they were built.

Is it allowed to upload AE Project that uses proxies or I should have 2 different project files: one with prerendered footages and other with original compositions?

Sorry if it was already discussed or asked. I tried searching the forums and the Help but had no luck finding the answer. If anyone could give me a link I would be very grateful.

Thank you in advance.

Hello, you need 2 types of project, one with pre-rendered footage and other with original compositions, as i know proxy files are not allowed, they are need just to speed up workflow.


Thank you very much for the response. That is what I thought.

Have a great day and thank once again.