Anyone feel like 3DOcean isn't supported as much as the other marketplaces?

I’ve noticed over the last 6 months or more that 3DOcean doesn’t really get any marketing from Envato, on all the email newsletters they send out, there is never mention of 3DOcean?

The only time there is, is for the monthly freebie but that managed to forget to upload one for 3DO this month and put it up late.

Is there a reason for this?


I feel the same, it’s a shame what happens


i agree with you, 3docean is not getting enough spotlights.


It would be great to get an official envato opinion on this…

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Is it possible that 3docean similar activeden say goodbye.

I hope that does not happen, my wish is to publish models here soon

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I also hope that this does not happen because I just started making items and Put them up for sale In 3docean.
However buy and sell In 3docean is very low It can be said activeden much better and higher (buy and sell).

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Thanks guys for replying, but I guess not enough people are interested to get Envato to do anything…

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I don’t think that will happen

3D will never be outdated technology ( like flash is now )


At Audiojungle’s the 17 day review queue is upsetting many authors as well.

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I would like to see 3DOcean push past TurboSquid in the future, I dont feel it’s marketplace is booming like other sections under Envato . I think it will take time as it’s fairly new in comparison. Hang in there 3d friends !

Yet again Envato has forgotten us, no free file of the month even offered on the front page…this has happened a few times now

Envato may not have forgotten about a free file for 3DOcean this month… it may just be that there weren’t any authors offering to provide a suitable free item.

I hope 3doce demand rises

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Agree with you guys that would be ashame to be closed…but I think this happens cuz of the lack of buyers?! And pretty sure that envato does what most of big companies do…look at the numbers and decide where to put their focus.
Also there is turbosquid that had this market loong time before envato and i think that most of the 3D buyers are there as the first option.
In the end i don’t think they will entirely close it just because it’s a big niche but they may sliightly forget about it xD. Anyway wish you guys all the best with your assets!

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