Any suggestions for this coming soon theme

We created a coming soon template-Sree. It is available at themeforest in the speciality page section.

We appreciate if you can take some time out and go through our product at, and give us your valuable feedback.

In my personal opinion, I think this is a great theme. Some time back I was searching for a coming soon template that would be almost exactly as the one you presented. The bad thing - I couldn’t find it, because almost every theme allowed minimum space. It could come in handy for me in the future :slight_smile: Good luck.
My suggestions? Maybe more integrations than only MailChimp? MailChip sometimes pisses me off :smiley:
I like the hover effects, styling and fonts - all cool :slight_smile:

It’s a Great template. When themeforest approve it, try to post themeforest link here. So, that i can find it for Buy.

Thank you, @ALdesigns, for valuable feedback.

Thank you for visiting our template. Here, I share a themeforest link [MOD: Removed Self Promotion]

Thank You for the link :slight_smile: