AI Generated music - Abuse of uploading numerous tracks

The day dissonances are allowed, I will be there for it :smiley:


finally the opening to twelve-tone music?


:joy:Count me and my pal Stockhaussen in.


Having played a symphonic work by Magnus Lindberg I admit that it is very interesting but confusing music.


Thanks for the explanation!

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Nothing is changing at the moment, weā€™re just working through a bunch of small tasks on this and havenā€™t got to investigate the tracks with issues yet. Iā€™m discussing it internally and they should be sorted out soon.

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Which track/s are you referring to? There is no direct-to-Elements path for Music at the moment, and we had to ingest all of the content into AudioJungle first, then migrate it across just like any other track published to Elements. We did use an ingestion script rather than manually uploading each track through the normal upload form.

ā€˜Authenticā€™ can be a very subjective term, which makes it pretty difficult to define in a clear and concise way. Each person will end up with their own, mostly unique definition of whatā€™s ā€˜authenticā€™ for them. But I do agree that not every track published into the PureHits library would fall under what I personally consider to be ā€˜authenticā€™ music. Our goal was to secure a fair number of authentic-sounding tracks, but never intended to have 100% of it be fully authentic.

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My bad! I confused Purehits with Puremusic. I deleted the original posts to avoid generating misunderstandings. Sorry!


5 posts were merged into an existing topic: Music and AI tools - discussion thread

May I suggest using the term ā€œListening Musicā€ instead of ā€œAuthenticā€?

Most stock music isnā€™t designed to be listened to; itā€™s designed to be heard, usually in the background. Perhaps the term ā€œForeground Musicā€ could be useful as well.

Itā€™s also worth keeping in mind that there is a seemingly infinite number of genres out there. Many if not most people also listen to music other than slick Pop styles, which seems to be the primary emphasis of the PureHits content weā€™ve been hearing so farā€¦


I think themed playlists is a great idea, especially since itā€™s so hard to find more unique or ā€œartistic production musicā€ on AJ/EE.

Already LOTS of great music that deserves some spotlight for sure! A strongly curated collection of playlists would be great for both attracting customers and also much needed motivation for authors to make music with some artistic personality.

If I should throw in my 2 cents for broadening the term ā€œauthentic musicā€ I would say

  • Just outstandingly great and well crafted tracks, wether itā€™s background or foreground, instrumental or with vocals
  • Unique creative tracks
  • Well crafted niche tracks
  • Tracks with real instrumental performances or just really great modern up to date sounds and sound libraries

I donā€™t think Purehits is the best reference for authentic music, at least from the little I have heard, the quality seems to vary to much. It would be better to research playlists from Artlist etc to get some inspiration. I think for something to be really authentic you need to kind of hear the dedication and love someone has put into their work.


Very good post, I agree with everyone.

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Hi all. Quick update from me, after catching up with some other teams at Envato:

Thereā€™s a new article about the Authentic Music project over on the Author Hub, which you can find here:

Also, a new batch of Audio invitations for Elements are about to go out. First of many, I hope! There have been some changes to the internal process for these, which should result in a more steady stream of Elements invitations going out each month.


Please, donĀ“t publish other web link.


Authentic enough for me. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Imagine what will happen in a couple more yearsšŸ˜€


Please, donĀ“t publish other web services link.


I need to add few words here. First of all: finally Envato has diagnozed that music department needs BIG changes in terms of music quality. The ā€œauthenticā€ path is the best one I could imagine, I have been writing about this many times here. Seams that @MarkBrodhuber made a great diagnosis and staff is making improvements behind the scene already. NICE!

Shift into authentic music is a must, we are already behind the competition. Seriously, just check competitors like A****** or ES.

HOWEVER there is a lot of work in terms of explaining authors what ā€œauthenticā€ music is. This topic showed that many authors do not fully understand that, confusing general high quality with the quality of aeathetics.

Great that there is a new article about it but two audio examples from this article do not fully explain the ā€œauthenticityā€. First example is a typical authentic but veeeery commercial track. This is the least authentic example from the whole authentic music.

Whereas second example is a typical high quality track which can be easily found on AJ/Elements. Nothing special.

We need more:

  • high quality vocal e.g.: jazz, blues, indie, grunge, metal, bigbeat, pop, acoustic etc., etc.
  • folk (all kinds of authentic cuban, country, spanish, japanese, hawaii, indian, african etc.), especially with vocals
  • authentic rap
  • unique genres
  • small albums with consistent style
  • if you have doubts, check mentioned competitors

Of course vocals are not obligatory to make authentic music but the lack of vocals makes Envato obsolete.

And one more thing: AJ is a place for one-person producers. Thatā€™s why almost all tracks are a typical" production music" made by one more or less anonymous producer. This is our aesthetic trap. We need more ā€œbandā€ and ā€œartistā€ music.

Envato is heading into a good direction (I hope). Letā€™s keep fingers crossed for these changes.


Very good points. I agree.

I think it will be VERY difficult for AudioJungle (+Elements) to pivot to a more ā€œauthentic music placeā€ like A****** and ES.

The whole website is built in a way that rewards generic corporate background music. They will have to completely redesign many things.

  1. First of all - REAL TITLES. No one wants to spend 2 weeks on a good, REAL listening track and call it ā€œSoulful Jazz Vocalsā€.

As long as the search is based on titles, this will not change.

  1. They must allow several artist profiles per person. When I release music on Spotify, I have several artist names. Iā€™m not going to release EDM with happy ukulele tracks under the same name. That makes no sense.

Here, we are forced to, and we operate more as an ā€œanonymous producerā€, like you said. If youā€™re going to get well-made, authentic music, you must allow producers to release a variety of music under different artist names, the same we would use on Spotify. Ideally from the same main account so we donā€™t have to bother with multiple accounts and payouts.

  1. AJ is known as the ā€œcorporate + wedding videoā€ place. Generic background music that can be replaced with a similar track very easily. This is also the style of music that AI will easily replace (already happening). Anonymous music that nobody really cares about, but it fits a corporate presentation.

A difficult change.

Of course they should have done this years ago. Now theyā€™re just chasing the competitors. They need to SET THE TRENDS, instead of following them years afterā€¦


Well said.

I would say that AJ was known (instead of ā€œis knownā€) as corpo and wedding background stock. Nowadays even weddings have authentic acoustic vocal tracks.