A Heartfelt Thank You to All Who've Supported Me

Hello everyone,

Today, I would like to take a moment to express my deepest gratitude to someone who has been an incredible source of support throughout my journey: my friend @Th3s (Tex).

Tex, your unwavering support and encouragement have made all the difference. Whenever I faced challenges, whether technical or creative, you were always there to offer guidance, share your wisdom, and motivate me to keep pushing forward. Your insights have been invaluable, and your support has been a true source of inspiration.

What I’m sharing now is just a small token of my appreciation for everything you’ve done. You played a pivotal role in helping me reach where I am today. Thanks to your help, I was able to get my first template accepted after more than 4 years of rejections.

A heartfelt thank you, Tex! Your presence and guidance have been truly priceless. I hope you continue to inspire others just as you’ve inspired me.

I also want to extend my sincere thanks to all of the wonderful people who have offered their support, encouragement, and constructive advice throughout this journey. I will forever be grateful for those who helped me grow and pushed me to become better. Special thanks to:
@123Simples @charlie4282 @mgscoder @FlaTheme @fibrinosa @promotionking @FWDesign @rayoflightt @inthrust @ABX_themes @ki-themes @masappointment


Best regards,


:tada: Congratulations on the approval of your item (Evne - Nuxt.js Template)! :rocket: Wishing you all the best with your sales :moneybag: and looking forward to seeing more amazing projects from you :star2:.

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Thank you for your kind words too and very best wishes on future sales and/or items.

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Greetings to you :heart_eyes:

Congratulations bro, I am really happy for you, You have endured a lot rejection,
“4 years of rejections”!!, you also encouraged me because i have a lot of hard rejection, have a nice days :heart:, and i want to see more and more of your items :smiling_face::heart:

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As long as you have control over your dreams, keep moving forward. If you fall, it’s not the end of the world. The end is giving up. :wink: @ABX_themes

We are strong :muscle::muscle::muscle:

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Wise man !

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Congrats, and keep it up! :slight_smile:

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Congrats! :clap:

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Bravo :+1: you did it. Congratulations! :tada: :tada: :tada: Good luck with sales. :palms_up_together:

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Wow, such kind words! :grinning: I sincerely appreciate it. Collaborating with you has been an amazing journey-your dedication and perseverance are truly inspiring. :raised_hands::sparkles:

I have no doubt that this success is just the beginning. Keep pushing forward, because your passion and determination will take you to even greater heights! And remember, you’re surrounded by a fantastic community of professionals who have been by your side, offering invaluable guidance and support.

:tada: Huge congratulations!:v: Here’s to many more milestones ahead! :rocket:

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Thank you so much :pray: Your guidance has been invaluable, and I truly appreciate everything you’ve done to help me. I’m lucky to have had your encouragement on this journey.

Here’s to achieving even more together! :muscle::muscle::muscle:

Thank you very much :smiling_face:

Thank you very much :heart_eyes:

Thank you very much :smiling_face: :smiling_face:


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Thank you very much :smiling_face: :smiling_face: @nywebdesigner

Congrats!!! :+1:

Thank you very much :smiling_face:

Thank you :smiling_face: