502 Bad Gateway?

can’t open codecanyon?502 Bad Gateway?why?

Same here with Audiojungle…

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Yep same here. It says the page is taking “way too long to load”, but the message comes up almost instantly - it doesn’t even give the page a chance to load!

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Same here!

Same here - trying to buy a theme urgently too. Has it happened before - Envato - any updates?

Probably put a new improvement )))

Same here, I think they might have put a new feature.

I’m getting this error on every page, also wallet apps aren’t pulling back any info.

Same here. :frowning:

Same here(((

New features usually not deploy this way. Probably an Amazon issue.

Same here, last few hours…

It’s back for me… hopefully it’ll remain this way.

…and down again.