Very valuable information! Thank you!
I think everyone has a different path to success
But work and never give up - this is for everyone!
Magnificent article! Thank you!
It’s very useful article. Bravo, @RedOctopus !!! And thank you so much!)
Great article! +1 for finding niche! I think it’s very impotant to be a master of at least one genre.
Thanks for sharing your experience. It was very useful for all of us
Very useful exchange of experience! Thank you for your detailed story! I read it a long time and delved into, but it is interesting!
Congratulations, well deserved!
Congrats! Well deserved indeed!
And thanks for sharing your ideas - putting myself in a very good mindset for 2018
Very useful tips, thank you
Thank you!
It’s very helpful for new AJ authors!
Congrats, mate!
Wish you to grow even more
Thanks for sharing!
congrats on Elite status!
Great Article. Inspiring!
Hello everyone!)
3 months has passed since I started to use this great strategy, but sales are still super low.
I’d glad to hear your opinion on my case:
am I doing something wrong?
- too low versatility, try doing more various genres
- I would think about more regular upload of new tracks
- three months is a short period so just be patient. You’re on a good way!
Thanks for advice!)
Just wanted to check if I’m doing things right
Just checked out your Sport Rock Epic Trailer, love it!!!