Wordpress Themes by Fami_Themes 404 Error message

I’m trying to install wordpress themes from Fami_Themes and all are returning 404 error. Someone had the same problem? I think that there’s no style sheet on the theme package. Someone can help?

Try this link https://help.market.envato.com/hc/en-us/articles/202821510-Theme-is-missing-the-style-css-stylesheet-error

Thank you. I downloaded from Envato Elements and already unzipped the content to upload just the theme as the folder has all other items as docs and the theme child. But unfortunately is not working.

This is the entire folder content that I’ve also zipped directly to try to upload but still the same error

Is it a 404 error or does it say something specifc.

If it is just a 404 then I would suggest that this might be a hosting issue


May be your Web server blocks file uploads above a certain size.
You can use ftp or cpanel to upload the theme and then active the theme. Hope will work for you.


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Thank you! That’s a bingo!! Worked!

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Thank you are correct. The error was in my server!