What you think about this piano track? :)

You’re welcome, Roberto. Sad hearing that you had another rejection. In my opinion, your track is valuable and it could be accepted with few amendments. I am optimistic about that.

Regarding the sound: recording real instruments always involves many factors (mics, mic positioning, room, phase issues etc…). It’s not simple to capture the actual sound of a Piano and I can’t give you advice on this because I never attempted to record a real one! I can only dream to play a Fazioli and I admire your will to use a real piano, nevertheless I strongly believe that your track could be easily accepted if you were using a sampled piano. You might find a good one for hundread Euros, you could then forget about tuning, phasing and muddy mids. I know, it’s a sacrilege to use a VSTi when you have a Fazioli but I think it might deliver.

Regarding your composition: I believe your track would pass through the reviewing process without that overlap of second major interval. I see you have done it on purpose, however I believe such harmonic choices could actually reduce the viability of your track (in the context of stock-library music). Finally, even if you have smoothened the ending, I would encourage you to keep it simpler: just end it on the rigth note or chord without any ornament.

Please bear in mind that’s only my opinion! I can understand if you disagree. And just in case that you decided to follow my advice, I hope it works!

I wish you the best of luck. :smiley:

All the very best

P.s. some useful advice on piano plug-ins was given in this topic: https://forums.envato.com/t/best-piano-plugin/75037/26

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