Weird behavior in Photoshop CS6.

Hey, guys.

I just got photoshop cs6, and while I’m working on a new project, I noticed a weird behavior in making multiple underlines in one paragraph.

It’s like this, if I made a paragraph and try to select the first two words and clicked the underline button in the “text panel”, it goes right a head and puts an underline beneath these two words.

However if I try to select another word in the end or the middle of the same paragraph and clicked the underline button again, nothing happens to these selected portions of the same paragraph.

It’s weird, I tried to restart the program and my PC, but still the same problem. I tried to re-install the program but still. I tried to search for this problem but with no luck.

Here’s a screen shot …

The highlighted text in the middle is supposed to be underlined, but it’s not.

Does anyone else have the same problem?

CanCars said

you have underline turned on where all those "T"s are in side panel, you have to click that again to make it go away

Obviously you didn’t get what the problem is all about.

Thanks anyway.

i am using CS6 & here it works fine. i am not sure is this you looking for.

sheko_elanteko said
CanCars said

you have underline turned on where all those "T"s are in side panel, you have to click that again to make it go away

Obviously you didn’t get what the problem is all about.

Thanks anyway.

Maybe is a visual glitch… it happends to me some times when i use the brush tool… try to restart Photoshop ! :slight_smile:

martinjamez said

i am using CS6 & here it works fine. i am not sure is this you looking for.

mmmmm. This is a paragraph box, not a single line with couple of returns, right? Because the problem happens to me only when I make a paragraph box and start writing in it.

If it is, then there’s something wrong with my software copy :frowning:

Thanks for your feedback.

PixFee said
sheko_elanteko said
CanCars said

you have underline turned on where all those "T"s are in side panel, you have to click that again to make it go away

Obviously you didn’t get what the problem is all about.

Thanks anyway.

Maybe is a visual glitch… it happends to me some times when i use the brush tool… try to restart Photoshop ! :slight_smile:

I was hoping it was just a glitch, but then I restarted everything with no luck.

It’s really bugging me, because I like the software and I don’t want to go back to cs5 :frowning:

O.K guys, I figured it out, in case anyone else having the same problem…

I changed the “Text Engine Option” from “Middle Eastern” to “East Asian” form the { Preferences>>Type } and the type tool now is working fine and the underline option behaves properly.

I kinda figured it out from “martinjamez” screenshot, I noticed he’s not using the middle eastern option.

It’s a bummer really, because I need the “middle eastern” option to be activated, but it’s gonna do for now.

good to see you got the solution, also i learned a new thing from this :slight_smile: