Updates to how you view your Envato Market Balance (June 2024)

Hi all! The Market and Elements Balances are now visible in your dashboard again at author.envato.com/profile - they’ve been moved up the page a bit, and some of the other tiles on that page have been updated as well.

You’ll see your Earnings total from each site move across to the account balance around the 8th of each month. Specifically for June, I think that you’ll see the Market one appear first (this Friday, June 7) and then we’ll process the Elements balance next Tuesday (June 11) as there’s a public holiday next Monday that affects most of our staff.

@WebCodingPlace & @Hotpin - In June, you’ll be paid for your May Market earnings as normal. You would normally see the May earnings total taken out of the account on the first of the month, but it looks like that process is still underway. We’ll still be processing outbound payments as normal on payout day.

Also worth noting: both the Market and Elements payout days for June will fall on a weekend, so both will be processed on Monday June 17th.