Unable to add products through options in CS Mega Menu Block in GoMarket Theme for Prestashop -


I am using GoMarket Theme for Prestashop.
There is an issue with the CS Mega Menu Block, it does not add products to the mega menu.
When typing the product name in the “Choose product” field, a weired script says “undefined id name” pops up and the product does not get saved. I am afraid it is an issue related to an error in the codes or compatibility with the rest of other files. I attached an image for your review.image

your help is highly appreciated!


If you have problems with your purchased item, I strongly recommend you to contact the author for bugfix support. In this case to reach the author of GoMarket Prestashop theme please access this url: https://themeforest.net/item/responsive-supermarket-prestashop-theme-gomarket/5299356/support

Have an wonderful day!