Trusted Updates: Automatic Approval of Item Updates

Hey All,

Thanks for all the questions and comments and nice feedback. I thought i would quickly address some questions that have come up a few times:

What is the threshold or why has the threshold not been communicated?
We have kept the threshold under wraps due to a couple of main reasons… a) We maybe changing the threshold multiple times over the course of the future depending on what we see and B) We want to prevent the possibility of some authors who may attempt to game the system.

Why has code canyon been excluded?
We decided to leave Code Canyon out of the included marketplaces, as we believe item updates are somewhat less predictable and therefore we feel we want to continue to review these for now. However we are continuing to look at this so things may change in the future so stay tuned.

How do i know i am eligible to automatic approvals of item updates?
When editing items the author will see the button “Save” instead of seeing the button “Submit Files for Review”

Is Audio Jungle included?
Yes :slight_smile: - All marketplaces are included besides code canyon at this time.


Great news! Thank you! :grinning:

Great news!

Great news indeed! I am so eager & happy to acknowledge that I can pass that threshold to see that little, nice, sparkling “Save changes” button. Now I can add more features, fixes faster and hopefully our supports can be more useful, effective & handy to buyers. Thanks @svgstephen for the great feature!

Uhm now this just does not make sense for example like @gljivec stated that even 1 mil+ author is not enough… the threshold is a must to keep things transparent. As it is now you are communicating that well a good portion of authors are lying cheats… and its is causing an advantage for certain authors without knowing how to achieve that advantage.


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Great news! This makes it possible to quickly and comfortable to work for those who are seriously doing it … for random people should all remain as before …

What about the preview videos on Videohive? are you going to fix it?
Authors get a “Changes been saved” message but the preview video stays the same as before.

Great update to the system! Thanks.

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Awesome, new feature! Had no clue about this though rarely visit the forums, submitted an update and went to the item description page was super confused, submitted another three times, contacted support, thankfully Ivor chimed in on Twitter and linked me here. I’m hoping my buyers didn’t just get flooded with three different update emails, lol.

@svgstephen Why wasn’t this sent out as an announcement on the author dashboard or via email?

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Wow, great news!

Good stuff :slight_smile:

We wanted a low key approach while we assess the implementation. Stay tuned for an announcement next week via the author dashboard.

Yes - we are looking into this as we speak.

Can the confirmation message be changed to say something about automatically approved?

Great powerful tiny button.
I have one question, if I got it updated by myself, how is about the price adjustment?
In case I add Woocommerce & BuddyPress, it would increase the price, is it right? In this case, how would I contact any reviewer to do this? latest reviewer of the item or any specific one or support ticket??? @svgstephen

That’s a cool feature :slight_smile: Thank you!

P.S. Still the queue for new items is way too long for common human being lifetime :grin:

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Great improvement glad to see something being done about the retimes like this. I think this will benefit all involved, including buyers.

Great news! Perfect for those important fixes that you need to get out to users asap

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@svgstephen Ah, ok well now that I know its automatic its all good — love the new update!

I just updated one of my items and I love this new feature!

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