Today I became an elite author:)

I work for Audiojungle was 1 year and 9 months and today I got an elite badge. Thank you so much, Envato, for the best work of my life!Kaz2ux4rNtY


You are very deserving of this accomplishment AlexGrohl! I noticed a while back how hard you work and the level of production you create. Congratulations!!

Congratulations!! :+1: Very strong production!

It’s great!) Keep it up!)

Wow that’s unbelievable for so short time. Big congrats!!! :slight_smile:

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Congratulations! I wish you even greater achievements in the future! :boom:

It’s just realy realy GREAT!)):+1:Congratulations!

Congratulations! :balloon::sparkles:

Congrats @AlexGrohl! Great achievement :sunglasses:

Great music = Great result! Congratulations!

Congrats :smiley: now coming for power elite

Congratulations, well deserved!!! :metal::metal::metal:

Congratulations! :tada:
You did it pretty fast!
Wish you to not slow down on this path :slight_smile:

Congratulations! Great music!


Incredible! Congratulations @AlexGrohl :tada:

Thank you! :grinning:

Congrats nicely done :slight_smile:

congrats, well done! :smiley:

Congratulations Alex you deserve it!!!
Onward & Upward!!

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